“To deepen our knowledge of the Catholic tradition. To find new ways of living our faith within that tradition.”
— John Riess, Founder, Angelico Press
About Us
ANGELICO PRESS is dedicated to making the rich tradition of Catholic intellectual and cultural life more available to families, students, and scholars. We publish both new books and quality out-of-print works of apologetics, theology, philosophy, political and social thought, spirituality, history, art, biography, and literature. We give careful attention to choice of titles, elegant book design and production, and affordable prices. Angelico will also publish an extensive selection of inexpensive ebooks to meet burgeoning demand. Along with Catholic classics, children’s books, and scholarly works, Angelico has started a new imprint, Angelico Press/Sophia Perennis, under which we will publish new works that offer avenues into the spiritual life, incorporating the fullness of the Church’s tradition in ways not commonly found in the contemporary Catholic world. Our imprint also offers works that engage the modern world in its myriad aspects. We are especially interested in books that seek to heal the rift between theology and spirituality, and between art and the sacred, and that combine ways of knowing the Faith with ways of living the Faith. Angelico’s founders have decades of experience in editing, designing, and creating books using the latest technologies in publishing and Internet distribution. Our advisory board includes prominent Catholic educators, religious, activists, and homeschooling parents. As families and students are increasingly drawn to the depth and scope of the Catholic tradition, Angelico promises to help them mine the gems of Catholic intellectual and literary culture, and to facilitate a community of discourse rich in meaning in a world so often depleted of this quality. We hope you will join us.