Bruno Berard
Bruno Berard
Bruno Bérard (b. 1958) received his doctorate in ‘Religions and Thought-Systems’ from the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris. Among his publications: Introduction à une métaphysique des mystères chrétiens (2005), Jean Borella: La Révolution métaphysique (2006), Initiation à la métaphysique (2009), and Métaphysique du paradoxe (forthcoming). He has also been editor of several collaborative works: Qu’est-ce que la métaphysique? (2010), Métaphysique des contes de fées (2011), Métaphysique et psychanalyse (2013), and Physics and Metaphysics with Jean Borella and Wolfgang Smith. Dr. Bérard is also an executive manager for international aeronautic groups, and gives pro bono assistance fostering the growth of start-ups and small enterprises.