Jean Hani
Jean Hani
Jean Hani (1917-2012), former professor emeritus at the University of Amiens, was the founder of the Centre de Recherche sur l'Antiquité Classique and a frequent contributor to the journal Connaissance des Religions. After writing his PhD thesis on the influence of Egyptian thought upon Plutarch, he produced annotated translations of the latter's writings for the well-known Collection Budé. Later he became known for his mastery of traditional hermeneutics and exegesis, and his broad knowledge in the field of comparative religion. Hani's writing is sensitive to the predicament of those moderns who seek a firm foundation in traditional Christian values, while striving also to integrate into that foundation whatever of value can be salvaged from the contemporary world. His findings were presented in four important works all now available in translation from Angelico Press/Sophia Perennis: The Symbolism of the Christian Temple, Divine Craftsmanship (Preliminaries to a Spirituality of Work), The Divine Liturgy (Insights into Its Mystery), and The Black Virgin (A Marian Mystery).