One day in the early 1990s, while praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary on his knees in front of the Tabernacle, Fr. Bradley heard the Holy Spirit telling him: “Write this down!” He was given a meditation about the Annunciation. Thus was born a 10-year journey of inspired meditations on every bead of the Traditional Rosary. From then on, not knowing when the Holy Spirit would give him another meditation, Father brought a yellow legal pad with him for his Rosaries by the Tabernacle. He said the Holy Spirit slowly gave the meditations to him, one at a time, during prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, becoming what he called “my love letter to the Blessed Mother.” Of the many books written about the Traditional Holy Rosary, these meditations are the first to focus on all 150 beads. They are presented here to help lead souls to a greater love for Immaculate Mary and her Son Jesus as we journey to our eternal life in Heaven.
“This rare book, Our Lady’s Psalter: Reflections on the Mysteries of the Traditional Rosary by Fr. Robert Bradley, S.J., provides a profound, insightful exploration of the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries of the Virgin Mary. Our Lady’s heart, her mother’s love radiates from these pages. This fruit of Fr. Bradley’s lifelong contemplation of the Blessed Mother provides a mystical feast, a window into heaven, and a practical means of walking with Mary in a way that changes lives. I pray that the Holy Spirit will carry Fr. Bradley’s writing into all Catholic homes to bless and fortify. Highly recommended.”—KATHLEEN BECKMAN, D.H.S., Co-Founder, Foundation of Prayer for Priests; author of Praying for Priests: An Urgent Call for the Salvation of Souls
“Fr. Robert I. Bradley, S.J. was one of the finest priests I ever met. His niece, Betty Bosarge, OSF, has done the Catholic world a great favor in editing these profound reflections on the Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Fr. Bradley penetrates into the deeper meaning of these Mysteries and how they embrace the whole of salvation history. Drawing upon the insights of St. Ignatius of Loyola, he shows how these Mysteries illuminate not only the life of the Virgin Mary but also those of St. Joseph, St. John the Apostle, St. Peter, and St. Paul. These reflections have a poetic quality, and can serve as a rich resource for homilies and personal meditation. Those reading this book will understand why Pope Pius XII referred to the Rosary as ‘the compendium of the entire Gospel.’”—ROBERT FASTIGGI, Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit
“Fr. Robert Bradley, who helped found Catholics United for the Faith and was an outstanding theologian, offers a beautiful meditation on each HAIL MARY of the traditional fifteen Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. I know of no other commentary like it. It should be in the hands of every Catholic, especially during the Lenten season.”—FR. DONALD CALLOWAY, MIC, author of Champions of the Rosary
“In Our Lady’s Psalter, Fr. Bradley shows himself to be a true spiritual master after Our Lady’s own heart. Through the meditations of his powerful book, the scholar-priest enhances the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary in a way that makes them more approachable and understandable to us all. When surrounded by such rich meditations, the Rosary begs to be prayed. Fr. Bradley has truly given us all a gift! I encourage everyone who wants to love the Lord Jesus through Mary to pick up and zealously use this spiritual treasury!”—FR. JEFFREY KIRBY, STD, author of Glory Unto Glory
“I am thrilled that this book, which I have known about for decades, is finally seeing the light of day. There are a multitude of valuable meditations on the Holy Rosary—but even so, Our Lady’s Psalter stands out. There is simply no other work like it. And it comes from one of the unsung heroes of the post-conciliar Church in America, the brilliant, humble, and ever-faithful Fr. Robert Bradley, SJ.”—MICHAEL P. FOLEY, author of Lost in Translation: Meditating on the Orations of the Traditional Roman Rite
About the Author
FR. ROBERT IGNATIUS BRADLEY, S.J. (1924–2013) was ordained to the priesthood August 15, 1955, in Louvain, Belgium. He earned a Ph.D. in English history from Columbia University and a Sacred Theology Doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. As a priest and professor, he devoted his life to teaching, spiritual direction, and conducting retreats, as well as chaplaincies for Catholics United for the Faith, the Poor Clares in Arlington, VA, and the Traditional Latin Mass in Austin, TX. He is the author of two books on the Roman Catechism and many articles for Catholic publications. Although he was a scholar, he was most at home serving Jesus at the altar and praying three Rosaries daily to Our Mother Mary, who guided him throughout his life.